Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Fanbox World

Could you imagine your self relaxing while earning? Can you imagine your self in a big crowd of people gives you money and consider you to be their friend?  That can be awesome!!  Life is an opportunity so let’s benefit from it. There’s a place called FanBox, where someone’s life can be changed for the better. Here’s my short video to give you a glimpse of my experience at the site.

It's fun to be at FanBox! A good virtual place to hang out and meet new friends. You can share the things that you like, whether on fashion, food, travel, photography, people, nature, animals, music, arts, culture and anything under the sun. Communicate with other members, be friends and enjoy life at FanBox! But there's more being at FanBox....because we can move and care for everyone!

In reality, there are scenarios like these wherein a lot of children die everyday because of famine, and at the streets you can see riots everywhere. There's no peace! And even you your self affected by economic crisis. You don't have job, companies are closing down and then you ask your self "how can you pay your bills?" How can you enjoy life if things are getting worst? You want to go places or buy a new stuff but you can't! It's a sad thing you can't enjoy life fully because you don't have the means to do it. 



 You pity your self....but don't be! For nothing is impossible.....

 But what is more important than having a lot of money if we can't afford to help and touch other people's lives. Don't forget to share you blessings! For it will return unto you in a hundred folds.


Here at Fanbox, we are ONE and we don't care what your color and language is.


Share your passion and make earnings out of it.


It's not only that, you can build a career at FanBox that could change your life forever. And it's not only your life but the whole community as well. And through FanBox, you can help your chosen charity and make a difference. So let us spread the word of love, care, unity and peace.... together we can change the world!

The world can be a better place!

We can be the change that the world needs.





This page Copyrighted © January 8, 2012 by aYzEe®


  1. Excellent Ayzee
    I love what you did here
    Well done blog
    FanBox it is a better place ...The Best on net !

  2. Thank you sis Chriz and princz marwi! (*;*)

  3. Thank you so much Anna for the nice comments! FanBox is a great place for everyone who loves to share their passion.

  4. Hi AYZEE!
    LOVE IT !

    WHY FanBox? Is all about Love !
    A strong community !

  5. wow.. nice Ayz...
    yes, self-relaxing while earning in FanBox...

  6. Hello Nicole! Thank you for coming to my blog, I appreciate your visit.
    Yes, FanBox is about love and a community that cares.

    BTW, Happy Birthday Nicole!! (*;*)

  7. Thank you Dave!
    It's really cool! FanBox is the best place, awesome!

  8. Great blog Ayzee,
    Indeed we can do what politicians can't,
    make a better world for us and for our children.
    Through FanBox everything is possible! :-)

  9. Thank you dear Ayzee for sharing :) that's a cool video. i'm happy i've joined fanbox :) i'm sure more people will be a member,earn and share blessings everyday :) Life is indeed the greatest gift for all of us! fanbox makes our life more FUN :)

  10. Thank you so much Vic for visiting my blog. FanBox can change lives and I believe what the community can share to help others.

  11. Thank you chescaf for coming to my blog.
    I'm happy for you that you had decided to join FanBox. Just enjoy blogging, always update your account and visit other blogger's posts.

  12. you Ayz :)
    great presentation
    i love it, goodluck to you
    hope you win :)

  13. Thank you so much Paula for the nice comments. I like your blog too, it was awesome!
    Good luck to us! :)

  14. Thank you sis Jen!
    Same with you sis, good luck!

  15. Great blog on showing what FanBox is.

  16. Thank you Eric and Zahid for coming to my blog.

  17. interesting blogger..........


  18. This is wonderful, Ayz....great job.... yes FanBox is such an interesting community....wish you luck!!!

  19. Thank you ArchyLen for visiting my blog.

  20. Thank you so much Ophie, I appreciate your visit. FanBox has a very helpful and friendly community.

  21. Thank you Waqas for visiting my blog. :)

  22. Nice work, Ayzee, very nice presentation
